Residency Program 2015

Residency Exit Survey 2015

Q25 What aspects of the residency program could be improved? Answered: 28 Skipped: 9





Less bitchyness. So many issues. I don't complain or react to that type of interaction and I think that upset them much more than had I played their game of disrespect. Hours spent preparing for major and paper took away from individual learning on other topics. Was expecting more instructional seminars. - less glaucoma clinics at SUNY. At Woodhull, there is a lot of glaucoma treatment as well. So, replacing some glaucoma clinics with specialty electives is a good idea. Perhaps some efforts can be put towards better scheduling patients. However, this becomes a office management issue that needs to be addressed rather than a residency program associated problem. Overall, great program. Communication. Oftentimes we do not hear about residency deadlines until a week before. We did not receive paper cover letter sample until after the deadline. Jackie Sanchez also gives us 1-3 day deadlines to complete things at times, although I do appreciate that she is giving us those reminders. Not all doctors are able to teach us and make time to teach us. Most are too busy to even sit for more than 5-10 minutes to explain something or try to expand our knowledge on a topic. I feel that I gained a lot of patient experience but not as much knowledge and critical thinking, such as journal clubs, discussing cases, what is the most recent research. The SUNY schedule is also extremely packed that doctors do not have time to give residents this type of knowledge. Some doctors are too hands-off with residents. Although we are doctors too, this is our residency education. Saturday doctors should only have one patient at a time so they have more time to supervise us. I think that the deadlines for the paper and major presentation should be revised to allow the residents to have more time to review clinical cases they see throughout the week, and expand on their clinical knowledge outside of their major/minor/paper topic. Perhaps transitioning between the two sites can be extended every 3 months. It will improve continuity of care for some patients. I feel like I had to spend many hours each month logging my patients for the residency which left me with less time to do academic activities like reading journals and researching interesting cases. more time to research/learn from cases as opposed to so much fast-paced direct care where there is no time to spend thinking/reasearching. The transition from being a student to resident, especially in term of teaching current students was not as smooth as I expected. Additional guidence in this area would be beneficial Better communication between office of residency education and residents; e.g. sending out reminders and announcements earlier (but not too early, like sending out the author's checklist for the paper 6 months in advance, and we have forgotten about it in May when it is due). Also, keeping track of which year things were sent out: "Didn't we tell you about ____? That must have been last year's residents." I felt that there was alot of time after hours devoted to minor /majors and that it took away from review of things one would see daily basis to solidify clinical foundation which is what I wanted most out of residency Saturday clinic has improved, but having to be present every single Saturday for an entire year is tough. It is difficult to take off or call out sick on a Saturday becuase often the schedule was not adjusted and other residents would have to pick up the "slack". Some residents took more Saturdays off than others or had an easier time getting excused leave. We all would like some Saturdays off and there should definitely be some type of limit imposed on how many you can take off during the year. Additionally speaker's workshop was tough on some people this year. Instead of being constructive, it seemed like a negative experience, even if you performed to the expectation. I think communication about what is required for speaker's workshop should be more clear next year to make sure that all the feedback is actually taken as constructive criticism. too much unprofessional favoritism and drama amongst students and attendings

6/4/2015 5:32 PM


6/2/2015 11:21 AM


5/25/2015 11:47 AM


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5/6/2015 2:46 PM


5/6/2015 11:29 AM


5/5/2015 1:08 PM


more schedules specifically for residents, less involvement with ordering of specs

5/5/2015 10:45 AM

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