Residency Program 2015
Residency Exit Survey 2015
Lectures and case reviews
5/5/2015 12:17 AM
I would like to see more hands on labs in posterior segment evaluation (scleral depression) and three mirror evaluation of the posterior segment
5/4/2015 7:24 PM
More communication of deadlines
5/4/2015 6:02 PM
Communication about expectations for certain aspects could be improved. Earlier reminders about deadlines.
5/4/2015 3:00 PM
5/4/2015 1:06 PM
More chances to teach labs/seminar. Also, there was too much speciality contact lenses in on of the SUNY rotations. It would be better to have the chance to choose another clinic is: peds instead. Also, having to work every Saturday while other residents (head trauma, CL, primary care etc) did not have too was unfair. We all should have to work on Saturdays or at least have rotating Saturdays to make it more fair Understanding or resident roles in other clinics. Supervisor? Direct care? Grand rounds? Education is very limited from many of the supervisors, so more effort should have been taken to have additional lectures to aid our learning. Many times I felt like I could have learned just as much from a great mentor in a private practice setting!! I would have enjoyed precepting more. Morning lectures when associated with specialty clinics were beneficial but otherwise didn't help as much. Exhaustive work (minor/major AND paper) on top of VA clinical duties, it was easy to burn out. VA residencies are tougher and allot for less time to complete the assignments. Too many little deadlines to meet along the way. Maybe having more regular emails about the schedule like upcoming Fri programs, or a countdown to majors/minors/paper due date and residency end date. Etc.
5/4/2015 12:51 PM
5/4/2015 12:50 PM
5/4/2015 11:18 AM
5/4/2015 10:51 AM
5/4/2015 10:14 AM
More organization for deadlines
5/4/2015 10:12 AM
Increased high level disease management exposure
5/4/2015 10:07 AM
I think it was overall a good experience. Some things were disorganized, but what isn't with so many residents to keep track of.
5/4/2015 10:07 AM
Q26 Please feel free to share any other thoughts about your experiences as a resident. Answered: 14 Skipped: 23
(already had private mtg with adamchyk)
5/20/2015 9:17 AM
High volume creates even more experience!
5/11/2015 8:37 PM
Overall however, I do not regret ever doing this residency, and I have learned an invaluable amount during this year! I am very pleased I had this opportunity. Thank you for everything!
5/11/2015 2:10 PM
The residency program has been a great learning experience.
5/10/2015 5:53 PM
After doing this residency, I feel like I wasn't ready at all to be a clinician after I graduated but I am much more confident now and will be able to handle being on my own when the residency is over. Speakers Workshop was a traumatic experience (not necessarily for me, but watching others suffer was very awkward). Please tell the residents that it is serious, to dress up, to make a PowerPoint, that they will be harshly critiqued etc. These things were not told to the in-house residents and the result was difficult to watch.
5/7/2015 12:33 PM
5/6/2015 2:46 PM
Overall a great experience! Would highly recommend to any optometry student.
5/5/2015 1:08 PM
valuable experience, glad I did it.
5/5/2015 10:45 AM
I felt the staff and faculty at SUNYOPT were extremely helpful and very responsive to concerns and inquires.
5/4/2015 7:24 PM
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