Residency Manual

2. Unplanned Sick Leave Individuals who report sick at the beginning of a workday are required to notify Clinical Administration and must personally speak with the administrative assistant in charge of attendance (i.e., voicemails and emails are not acceptable). For unplanned absences between Monday and Friday, all calls must be directed to Clinical Administration at 212-938-4030 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.; for unplanned absences on Saturday, individuals must call the Primary Care floor front desk at 212-938-4130 between 8:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. In addition, the service chief(s) and clinical attending(s) (if applicable) the resident is assigned to for that day must be emailed (or texted if possible) by the resident as soon as they are aware they will be out. If an individual request the use of sick leave accruals, the individual may be required to provide medical documentation. In the event that medical documentation does not substantiate the claim of illness, the absence will be viewed as unauthorized and without pay . Clinical Administration may require supporting documentation for any request for the use of sick leave.


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