Residency Manual

Appendix Q:

Resident Leave Request and Timesheet Policy (SUNY Salaried Positions)


Planned Leave (Annual, Sick & Administrative) Requests:

Protocol For Submission of Resident Leave Requests 1) The Resident will complete a separate leave request for each clinical service (Primary Care, Advanced Care, Vision Rehab, Woodhull, etc) if the leave being requested involves more than one service. No longer should clinics in multiple services be listed on a single leave request form. 2) The Resident should then send the leave request(s) to their individual Residency Supervisor for their permission to miss a clinic session as it relates to or impacts their educational program. If approved, the Residency Supervisor will sign or initial in the column labeled “Notification” * next to the day(s) requested. 3) Once the Residency Supervisor has approved the leave request, the Resident should send the request(s) to the appropriate Service Chiefs for their decision on approving or denying the request. The signature of the Service Chief indicates final approval of the sick or annual leave request. If educational leave is being requested, Dr. Adamczyk must also sign off on the request after the Supervisor and Service Chiefs . The Office of Residency Education will send all approved Educational Leave requests directly to Clinical Administration. 4) If approved, the Service Chief(s) will then send the leave request to their Clinic Manager so that the schedules can be adjusted as necessary. The Clinic Manager will then initial in the “Coverage” box ** on the form. 5) The completed leave request form will then be sent to Clinical Administration by the Clinic Manager.


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