Student Handbook
etc.). Non-us citizens must verify the visa requirements with the consulate of the country to which they will visit. • SUNY encourages U.S. citizens traveling abroad to use the State Department’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) at • Safety and security must be students’ number one priority. For current information, advisories, or warnings regarding travel abroad, students should consult • Students are encouraged to develop an emergency plan with specific action steps for different types of emergency (i.e., health issues, safety and security issues, etc.) • Students are encouraged to inform parents/guardians/family members about their plans to travel abroad and provide them with emergency contact information. • Students are encouraged to obtain and maintain health insurance coverage for the duration abroad and research the policy to better understand any limits in coverage, as well as the process for securing reimbursements and any other requirements imposed by the insurance provider. Academic Advising The SUNY Academic Advising Program was implemented to enhance the didactic and clinical success of SUNY Optometry students through coaching, mentoring, tutoring and advising. Students who are identified as requiring additional support at any time in their SUNY careers are offered the opportunity to become part of the academic advising program. Students will be assigned a member of the faculty as their advisor with whom they will meet one-on-one. Advisors and advisees will work together to identify areas to focus on to achieve academic success that will include but may not be limited to concrete suggestions about time management and strategies for improving study skills. Confidentiality Information exchanged between the academic advisor and advisee is considered private and will only be shared with other College officials and/or members of the faculty on a “need to know” basis. However, College officials must weigh the request for confidentiality with concern for the health and safety of the College community and its members. Confidentiality in all cases, therefore, cannot be ensured. Academic Faculty and Administration Students having difficulty with course material are strongly encouraged to discuss such issues with their instructor(s). Faculty may provide tutorial assistance or make recommendations and referrals to services that can assist you. The academic department chairs and the vice president Student Support Services
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