Student Handbook
international externships involves an interview with the Director of Externships to establish eligibility and the completion of the appropriate application documentation. Students must show that they understand what the selected externship abroad entails and what they hope to achieve through the experience. (Externship abroad is a clinical program designed to complement and enhance students’ SUNY Optometry clinic al experience, and not a travel opportunity to reside abroad for a period of time.) The Director of Externships must approve a request for an international externship after verify the student’s clinical skills are sufficient and that the externship is app ropriate to fulfill the students clinical core competency requirements for the clinical training. In addition, the Director of Externships will make every effort to assure that the student can succeed in the specific clinical environment being considered. Factors that are considered include cultural and language barriers, degree of independence, maturity, etc. Eligibility for Participation on Missions Trips Abroad The College does not endorse any given organization involved in missions abroad and students are personally responsible for abiding to the bylaws and requirements of each organization. Students must obtain written authorization from faculty and clinical supervisors to be excused from their respective didactic and clinical assignments. Please refer to the policy on Student Leave and Courses in Clinic, available in this Handbook, for more information.
Students assume full responsibility for any risk of loss, property damage or personal injury, including death, that may result from participation in event activities.
Candidates should carefully consider all of the items below before deciding to apply to externships and mission trips abroad:
• If the student is going to a foreign country where English or his/her native tongue is not widely used, student must ensure that s/he have sufficient language skills and confidence to conquer linguistic hurdles. • Student must consider personal levels of maturity and flexibility to adapt to living and learning in a non-English speaking environment with different customs (i.e., cultural and religious) and expectations. • Student must determine if they have any foreign travel experience which would prepare them for such challenges. • Externships abroad and International Mission trips require financial resources (airline ticket, student visa, passport, insurance, local housing expenses, health insurance, textbooks, daily living expenses, etc.). It is the student’s responsibility to dete rmine if sufficient financial resources are available to enable them to live abroad for the specified time. • Students are fully responsible to verify all travel related documents for accuracy, validity, and complete- ness (i.e., passport, visas, required immunizations, credit card expiration,
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