Student Handbook
Disciplinary Action Students are subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal from the College, for actions deemed inappropriate according to the Student Conduct Code distributed to all students in the Student Handbook.
Class Ranking The college computes and maintains records of students' class rank.
Class rank, to be a valid barometer of a student's performance, must be computed properly. Therefore, the following guidelines are used by the Registrar:
1. Computation of the GPA shall be rounded to no more than two decimal places (hundredths) for the purpose of determining class rank. 2. Students having the same GPA shall be reported as having identical class ranks representative of their grouped data. 3. Students can obtain their class rank from the student portal, or by contacting the registrar. Dean’ s List The Dean’s List recognizes those students whose annual grade point average is 3.6 or higher at the end of each academic year. Students on Academic Probation or in special programs are not elig ible. The Office of Academic Affairs will notify students on the Dean’s List after each academic year they qualify, and note the achievement on the student’s permanent transcript. Students who have been on Dean’s List for all four academic years will be re cognized in the commencement program. Non-matriculated Students Space permitting, non-matriculated students may attend courses for credit on a part-time basis and pay tuition on a per-credit basis. All requests by individuals for special student status should be referred to the Office of Student Affairs, which will provide an application form. The application form will be sent to the instructor of the particular course(s) who will evaluate it on the basis of: (1) Whether the course can accommodate the student, and (2) Whether the student's background is suitable for the course. The approval of the appropriate Department Chair and the Dean for Academic Affairs is required subsequent to the instructor's approval.
If the application is approved, the student must register with the Office of Student Affairs and pay all necessary tuition charges.
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