Student Handbook
and Standing makes its recommendation to the Dean for Academic Affairs. The student will have the opportunity to meet with the Dean for Academic Affairs to review their case.
Appeal of Academic Dismissal A student who wishes to appeal the decision of academic dismissal may do so in writing to the President of the College within one week of written notification of dismissal by the Dean for Academic Affairs. Academic Advancement Students must achieve passing grades in all courses and required optometric clinics before advancing to the next academic year. If other than a passing grade is received ("F", “U” or "I"), it must be remediated as described above or in a manner determined by the Committee on Course and Standing and the Dean for Academic Affairs. These decisions may be modified on an individual basis by appeal upon recommendation of the Department Chair and with approval of the Dean for Academic Affairs. Readmitted Student For the student who is separated from the College because of academic problems, or voluntarily leaves and then is readmitted, the following will apply: 1. The student’s transcript will contain their complete academic record at the College. A notation will appear indicating the date and the reason for separation e.g., leave of absence, withdrawal, dismissal, etc., as well as the notation and date of readmission. 2. Grades for all years attended, including unsuccessful quarters or year(s) will remain on the transcript. All grades, except for the initial grade in repeated courses, will be utilized in calculating the cumulative GPA. 3. If a student is readmitted, the Committee on Admissions or the Committee on Course & Standing may recommend the conditions under which the student is readmitted, e.g., all courses repeated, exemptions granted for course(s) previously passed, etc. Students Repeating a Year of Study For the student that is required to repeat a full year(s) of study, the following will apply: 1. A notation will be made on the transcript indicating the year(s) being repeated. 2. All courses that are being repeated will be indicated with a “Y” af ter the grade received. 3. Grades for all years attended will remain on the transcript. All grades, with the exception of the initial grade in repeated courses, will be utilized in calculating the cumulative GPA.
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