Student Handbook
Academic Information and Policies This handbook contains regulations of importance to your enrollment and status at the College. You will be responsible for familiarizing yourself with the information contained herein. It is the objective of the SUNY College of Optometry to provide a sound educational experience with emphasis on the needs of the students as individuals while they pursue a rigorous course of study. The following policies are determined by faculty committees and are subject to change. Faculty Responsibilities Prior to the commencement of all courses, the instructor of record (IOR) must provide a course syllabus, placed on an electronic course management system that includes the following: 1. Course title and description 2. Statement of goal(s) and learning objectives 3. Required and recommended readings (A copy of this listing should be sent to the library) 4. Statement of the grading policy including a listing of examinations with dates, criteria for the assignment of grades, and method for determination of the final grade 5. Course outline listing topics to be covered with the planned dates 6. Statement of attendance requirements 7. Instructor contact information including office hours IORs must include a list of all required readings and textbooks in the course syllabus and make it available prior to the beginning of the term. Required textbooks will be made available in the library reserves. A list of required texts, and any other materials for the course requiring time to acquire, should be provided to the Department Chairs and a compiled list of all required texts and materials will be provided to the students through the Office of Student Affairs in advance of the term for dissemination to the students. Faculty Office Hours All faculty members are expected to be available for conferences with students by appointment or during stated office hours when students/faculty are not otherwise assigned (i.e. lecture, lab, clinic or research activities.) Conferences may be requested either by instructors or students. Office hours may be in-person or by internet conferencing. All course syllabi must be posted on the college’s course management system prior to the beginning of the term and communicated to the students on the first day of class.
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