MSCHE Evaluation Report May 2021
Team Report (Self-Study Evaluation)
Page 8
(“Presidential Missive”) that was acknowledged by students as helpful along with other regular communications from the College.
Student Life is governed by an accessible student handbook that identifies policies, procedures, reference information, and services needed by students during their time at the College) ( In particular, this document identifies the code of ethics, code of conduct, as well as formal complaint, grievance, and enforcement procedures. Policies governing discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual violence, and Title IX are accessible from the website. Information on student services are likewise available ( Title IX issues are overseen by a Title IX coordinator, the Assistant Vice President for Human Resources. Title IX resources including definitions, grievance policy, and advice on what should be reported and where is accessible via the website ( SUNY resources are also available there. College policies governing employment are largely based on SUNY requirements, and the local Human Resources function acts as a resource to the College employees ( Employees in the patient care operations must also follow requirements for Protected Health Information (PHI – HIPAA). The Chief Human Resources also acts as the College’s ADA Coordinator for faculty, staff, and students ( resources/disability-services-and-accessibility/). Grievance procedures for faculty and staff are identified in Collective Negotiation Agreements with the State applicable to the employee. Continue to affirm commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and redouble efforts to recruit and retain underrepresented faculty and students. Complete the update to the strategic action plan with tactics to make sustained progress in DEI. o As part of Strategic Financial Planning, identify longer-term opportunities to moderate the growth in the cost of attendance. o It is difficult to find many of the reference documents online (such as the Faculty Handbook); the College should modify its new website and archive to make these documents more available in a timely fashion via menus and through the website’s search function. Collegial Advice o
Team Recommendation(s) None
Requirement(s) None
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