MSCHE Evaluation Report May 2021

Team Report (Self-Study Evaluation)

Page 7

Diversity and inclusion are governed by SUNY policy including nondiscrimination and disability protections. The College formed a broad-based Committee on Affirmative Action and Cultural Diversity. The Chief Human Resources Officer is the College’s Affirmative Action Officer, and the Vice President for Student Affairs serves as the Chief Diversity Officer. The College developed a Diversity and Inclusion Master Plan 2016-2020 ( content/uploads/2020/02/diversity_inclusion_plan.pdf), and there is regular tracking of progress ( inclusion-master-plan/); this plan identified recruitment of minority faculty as a critical priority. College personnel see broadening diversity of College students as key to increasing “the pipeline” for diversity in the faculty. The College President established a Task Force on Race and Equity (TFRE) in June, 2020 to extend these efforts and lead toward an updated D&I master plan. In addition to other recommendations, the final report of this group ( content/uploads/2020/11/TFRE_Final_Report.pdf) recommended hiring a Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. This position was recently filled to have a focal point for execution of initiatives; it was noted at a meeting with faculty that the Director is a member of faculty search committees. Fiscal accountability is governed by SUNY and State of New York policies and procedures. These are accessible through the Office of Business Affairs ( offices/business-affairs/). Expectations for Internal Controls and Enterprise Risk Management as well as a mechanism to report fraud are readily identified ( control/fraud-reporting/). The College has a designated Internal Control Officer. Key indicators the College uses in monitoring are readily available through the Factbook, managed by Institutional Research and Planning ( planning/factbook/) and as part of its ongoing Assessment Plan. IPEDS reports are accessible back to 2010-2011. The College also makes available through its website accreditation information (including Middle States Commission on Higher Education and the Accreditation Council on Optometric Education), student consumer information, admissions information, and information on costs for academic programs, including options for housing and seeking financial aid including scholarships. There is evidence of education on budgeting and student debt (financial literacy), including twice-annual “tea chats” to discuss debt management, individual financial counseling sessions, and required “incoming” and “outgoing” financial aid interviews ( There is evidence of regular all-college meetings and faculty meetings to promote communications regarding the College and its activities. The College also has a number of advisory councils to “support and advise the senior administration” in general as well as specific topical areas (research, clinical, IT, institutional research and planning) ( In addition, the President presents an annual State of the College address where he identifies relative progress toward strategic goals, and he stepped up communications to the community when the Covid-19 pandemic began

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