success in obtaining research grants. A minimum of 20% of a graduate faculty member’s research effort during the academic year is funded by the College (Strategic Plan Goal 1.9). Faculty members will not be required to fund more than 30% of their base salary from their grants, thereby allowing grant funds to be used for postdocs, graduate students, and other direct costs. The College provides externally funded PIs supplemental funds for discretionary use equivalent to 5% of the indirect costs generated by grants. It also provides bridge funds for consumables and staff for funded researchers for up to two years when necessary. Start-up funds for laboratory construction, equipment, and project support are made available to new faculty with research programs. Policies addressing indirect funds and bridge funding can be found in Appendix C-12. In support of Goal 2.2 (to establish a Center for Clinical Research), the College in 2009 established an internally funded grants mechanism of $20,000/year to support collaboration between basic and clinical faculty. These grants provide an opportunity for faculty members in the Department of Clinical Sciences to work with a basic science faculty member on a clinical project and to develop research skills. The first two collaborative, clinical research projects have been approved for support during the 2009-10 academic year. As described under Standard F, the Department of Information Technology (IT) supports faculty teaching, research and patient care activities and has contributed to campus workshops related to new teaching technologies (e.g., Moodle, Turning Point). Full-time faculty members are provided with an office space, telephone, computer and supporting software. The latter are upgraded and replaced on a regular basis.
According to the 2010 faculty survey, 71% of the respondents strongly agree or agree that “My assigned space in the building is appropriate to my needs.” In August, 2010, the College began master planning for the period of 2013-2023 and has retained Bostwick Architectural Assoc, to lead the process.
The Faculty Development Committee takes an active role in developing programs to enhance faculty skills and abilities. Examples of recent programs include: Turning Point Workshop: Skill development on interactive clicker system that is used in didactic teaching to engage students during class time and ensure adequate understanding of new concepts.
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