professional goals and is charged with providing guidance and mentoring of individual faculty members including career development and advancement (Appendix C-10) (Strategic Plan Goal 1.9). Depending on a faculty member’s responsibilities and academic rank, his/her primary supervisor may be the vice president of academic affairs, a department chair, clinical service chief, or clinical chief of staff. The determination of faculty work assignments, particularly in the Department of Clinical Sciences, has historically been linked to clock hours of effort. To more accurately reflect the actual accomplishments associated with various assignments, the College has migrated to a percent effort paradigm. As presented by the vice president for academic affairs at the March 2010 Faculty Retreat, it is expected that this formulation will provide individual faculty members with more predictability regarding their assignments and greater flexibility in meeting them, while also allowing for more efficient scheduling. Faculty assignments take into account each individual’s teaching, administrative, clinical, and other contributions to the college and are reviewed annually with the faculty member’s primary supervisor. The following are guidelines for the calculation of effort for various faculty assignments: Activity FTE (Per Cent of Effort) 1 lecture hour per week (including prep time)* 10 3 hours lab per week (including prep time) 10 Lab organizer 10 Administrative session 10 Admissions committee 10 Clinic session 10 Research/scholarship/ /special project session 10 Development/Flex/Service session 10 *For a course coordinator, credit is given for the total number of lecture hours. Full-time members of Department of Clinical Sciences are provided with one development session per week and may apply, through their primary supervisor, for additional time to work on research/scholarly activities or special projects (Strategic Plan Goal 1.9). Examples of effort assignment review forms for individual faculty members from each department can be found in Appendix C- 11. All graduate faculty members are expected to develop and maintain significant research programs. The percentage of the effort assignment devoted to research, teaching, clinic and service is determined by annual negotiation with the primary supervisor and vice president for academic affairs and depends on


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