 Moodle Workshop: Skill development on course management system that was introduced at the college. All course instructors are required to utilize this system to manage the content of their courses on-line.  Pub Med Workshop: Skill development on new uses of this medical and scientific search engine.  Finer Points of PowerPoint Workshop: Skill development in improving PowerPoint presentations  Student Centered Learning in the Large Classroom  A Legal Primer for Online Instructors Faculty members are encouraged to attend scientific and professional meetings to further develop knowledge and skills and to present research findings. Departmental funds are available to support faculty travel. Funding for travel can also be obtained through the Individual Development Awards Program sponsored by the New York State/United University Professions Joint Labor Management Committees. For continuing professional education programs offered by the College, faculty members pay discounted rates (50% reduction) for certain programs while for others there is no charge. Faculty members who wish to pursue formal education to improve their educational backgrounds are eligible for tuition assistance ( All faculty members are encouraged to attend the Schnurmacher Institute for Vision Research (SIVR) colloquia, which features presentations by prominent local, national and international investigators. The College’s web site ( lists these colloquia for recent years. Faculty members with clinical credentials who attend these colloquia are provided with credit toward meeting continuing education hours required to maintain UEC clinical privileges. Tenured faculty members are eligible for sabbaticals after 6 consecutive years of service. The College’s sabbatical policy, updated Sept. 1, 2009, can be found in Appendix C-13 or at (Strategic Plan Goal 1.9). Per policies of the SUNY Board of Trustees, full salary support is available for sabbaticals of one-half-year duration, while one-half salary support is available if the sabbatical’s duration is one year. With prior approval, faculty members may supplement salaries up to their full salary. 5.4 A faculty evaluation process establishes goals and assesses performance of each faculty member. Faculty members often participate in activities in several of the College’s functional units. A faculty member may, for example, teach a course in the Department of Vision Sciences, teach in the clinic (Clinical Sciences) and have an administrative assignment. To provide coordination of a faculty member’s


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