Policy and Procedure: Annual and Pre-Employment Health Assessments

Procedure Number:




of 2

Effective Date: Last Reviewed:

5/6/1991 1/6/2025



It is a Department of Health requirement that the health status of each employee is examined prior to the beginning of employment and annually thereafter. This examination must be sufficient in scope to ensure that the employee is free from any physical or mental health impairment which is of potential risk to patients, or which may interfere with the performance of their duties. This policy will also pertain to students who come into contact with patients.



1. Initial Employment All new employees and health care providers (i.e., staff, clinicians,

residents), as well as students who come into contact with patients, will be required to have a health assessment which includes as assessment of physical and mental health, immunization history as required on health assessment form, as well as tuberculosis (TB) status, within the 3 months prior to start of employment (see attached Health Assessment – Initial form). Initial assessment should include TB testing (when not contraindicated), TB history, review of symptoms and general risk assessment: a. Testing – must have either Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) or Interferon-Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) - positive tests must be followed up with chest x-ray and other clinical follow-up as indicated to rule-out active disease

i. TST – two-step testing required (as long as initial test is negative) – second dose can be administered 1-3 weeks after initial test – only one test required if employee has another negative documented test during previous 12 months ii. IGRA – must provide actual test report


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