Procedure Number:



2 of


Effective Date: Last Reviewed:

5/6/1991 1/2/2024



b. TB-related History (see questions on attached form) c. Symptoms Screening (see questions on attached form) d. General Risk Assessment (see questions on attached form)

2. Continued Employment All University Eye Center employees, including providers, staff, residents and students who come in contact with patients are required to have the following (see attached Employee Health Assessment – Annual Form): a. Once per calendar year, or more frequent if necessary, a health status reassessment to ensure freedom from any physical or mental health impairment which is of potential risk to patients, or might interfere with the employ ee’s performance of duties. b. Immunization history as required on the health assessment form. c. An annual TB risk assessment and symptoms survey must be completed. TB testing is required if any symptoms suggestive of TB are noted or new risks identified. Routine annual TB testing is not required. i. Symptoms Screening (see questions on attached form) ii. General Risk Assessment (see questions on attached form) d. In order to comply with the above policy, all required clinicians, staff, residents, and students will submit the appropriate documentation on or before November 30th of each calendar year to either the Credentialing Department (clinicians, residents, and students) or Clinical Administration (staff). This documentation should include the completed health assessment form, required blood work results, and appropriate TB screening/testing. Failure to comply with this requirement may lead to disciplinary action, including removal from clinic and/or suspension of clinical privileges until such time that the provider or staff member is in compliance with this policy.

Annual reminders will be provided to all employees and students.


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