Procedure Number:




of 3

Effective Date:




Last Reviewed: 1/6/2025 ___________________________________________________________________________ • In the event medical evidence does not substantiate that the request for sick leave was valid, the absence will be viewed as unauthorized and processed as leave without pay . Pre-planned Sick Leave (e.g., Doctor Appointments) • When using sick leave for a doctor appointment, when feasible, the leave request must be submitted to Clinical Administration at least two weeks in advance of the requested date. • If the use of sick leave is denied due to failure to follow the proper procedure or due to the operational needs of the UEC, failure to report to work on the day requested will result in the absence being viewed as unauthorized and processed as leave without pay . Extended Sick Leave Request (e.g., Maternity, Surgery) • Supporting medical documentation is required. It is the responsibility of the individual to complete the appropriate "Request for Leave" form, citing the dates, sessions and reason for the leave. The request must first be approved by the Primary Supervisor for faculty requests and the Supervisor/Manager for staff requests. Once signed, the request form is to be submitted to Clinical Administration at least four weeks in advance of the start of the leave. A doctor's note must be attached to the form, indicating the start date of the requested leave and anticipated return-to-work date. Please note that this information is necessary for Human Resources to assist in determining sick leave benefits. Anticipated return to work dates can always be adjusted as recovery is assessed by the doctor. • All medical documentation should be submitted to Human Resources for approval. Human Resources will notify Clinical Administration if the extended sick leave request was approved or denied. • Return to work from an extended illness requires a doctor's note confirming that the employee is able to return to their full duties. Extended illness is generally defined as being out of work for more than 4 consecutive days. Note: Clinical Faculty are required to follow the Guidelines for Faculty Leave Requests (Policy & Procedure # L-4).


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