Procedure Number:
Effective Date:
Last Reviewed: 1/6/2025 ___________________________________________________________________________ • Extended sick leave, requested in advance, requires notification and approval from the Human Resources to ensure that appropriate procedures are being followed. • Management must either approve or disapprove the use of sick leave accruals. If an individual requests the use of sick leave accruals, the individual may be required to provide medical documentation. In the event that medical documentation does not substantiate that the request for leave was valid, the absence will be viewed as unauthorized and processed as leave without pay . Calling In Sick The Day You Are To Report To Work • Monday through Friday all calls must be directed to Clinical Administration (212 938-4030) between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Clinical Administration staff are the designated individuals who can authorize same-day sick leave accruals. Prior to approving the leave, Clinical Administration will contact the Primary Supervisor and/or Service Chief regarding unplanned employee absence. • Saturdays all communication must be directed to the Clinic Manager via email (SaturdayUECManager@sunyopt.edu) before 8:00 a.m. and include a contact phone number. The Clinic Manager is the designated individual who can authorize same-day sick leave accruals. An approval, denial, or request for medical documentation will be communicated via email on the same day by the Saturday Manager. • Notification of the Service Chief by the provider calling out will be by a means determined by the Service Chief and communicated to the providers of that Service. • A call directed to an answering machine or voice mail, an email, or only communicating with individuals outside of the office of Clinical Administration may result in the absence being viewed as unauthorized and processed as leave without pay . • Monday through Friday for confirmation and documentation, at the time of your call-in, one of the designated individuals will fill-out the sick leave request form and indicate whether the sick leave has been approved or disapproved. On
Saturdays, the Clinic Manager will report any unplanned leave to Clinical Administration, Primary Supervisors, and Service Chiefs on the sick leave request form.
Prior to the Saturday workday, Primary Supervisor and Service Chiefs will disclose any employee with habitual absences to the Saturday Manager. An employee with a history of absences on their scheduled Saturday will be asked to produce medical documentation to approve their sick leave request. • In certain instances, and under the direction of a supervisor/manager, medical documentation may be requested to support the need for use of sick leave accruals.
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