Policy and Procedure: Leave Requests, Planned and Unplanned Procedure Number: L-2 Page: 1 of 3 Effective Date: 8/21/1991 Revised: 2/10/2023 Last Reviewed: 1/6/2025 ___________________________________________________________________________ Policy: To maintain an appropriate level of patient care coverage within the University Eye Center (UEC), there will be a formal process for requesting leave. Procedure: Annual Leave • It is the responsibility of each employee to complete the appropriate "Request for Leave" form (see attached), citing both the dates, sessions, scheduled assignment and reason for the leave request. This must be submitted to the appropriate Primary Supervisor and/or Service Chief, prior to approval and implementation . • All employees annual leave requests (during the academic year and during the intercessions) must be submitted at least four weeks in advance so that appropriate coverage can be maintained. Requests apply to all assignments: administration, teaching, direct care, research and faculty development. • Lack of appropriate notification, or too many individuals requesting leave for the same period of time, may result in denial of the leave request based on operational needs. • The requestor should not presume the leave request has been approved until their respective supervisor has approved the leave request by signing the “Request for Leave” form. Sick Leave • In accordance with New York State attendance rules and collective bargaining agreements, all use of sick leave accruals must be requested in advance (for pre-planned sick leave) or on the day of the sickness. This policy applies to all personnel assigned to the UEC (UUP, CSEA and PEF). • Individuals who call in sick at the beginning of a work day are required to notify both Clinical Administration, their Primary Supervisor and/or the Service Chief(s) if they are scheduled for a clinic assignment(s) that day.
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