Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy: Public Access Facilities and E-Mail

Introduction: Computer, networking and electronic mail facilities and services are offered by the Office of Information Technology (IT) in support of the teaching and learning, research and public service functions of the College. Access to the computer systems and networks owned and operated by SUNY Optometry is a privilege, not a right, and imposes certain responsibilities for appropriate use, in accordance with College policy. Users should recognize that the primary intention of providing network service is to support the educational mission of the College and the conduct of its daily business. In general, appropriate use means respecting the rights of other computer users; the integrity of the physical facilities; all pertinent license, copyright and contractual agreements; as well as local, state and federal laws. Responsible Use Users are expected to use SUNY Optometry computer, electronic mail, and network services in a legal, effective, ethical, responsible and efficient manner, consistent with the instructional, research, public service and administrative goals of the College. Obtaining an E-Mail Account In order to use electronic mail (e-mail) at SUNY Optometry it is necessary to have an e-mail "account" or user code which is unique for each user. This establishes the electronic address for each e-mail user to which electronic mail can be received from other e-mail users on- or off-campus. Each e-mail account is protected from unauthorized access, in part, by requiring the use of a unique password to identify the legitimate user. Users are responsible for protecting the security of their own passwords. Please see the Guidelines for Password Protection for responsible handling of passwords and account information. Any student, faculty or staff member of SUNY Optometry may request an e mail account. Request forms are available at the Library Circulation Desk and should be submitted to IT or located on the SUNY Optometry website at http://www.sunyopt.edu/pdfs/infotech/User_Account_Authorization.pdf. Adjunct faculty requires the sponsorship of their Department Chair and the approval of the Dean to obtain an account. The primary intention of providing e-mail service is to support the educational mission of the College and the conduct of its daily business. Commercial use is not permitted.


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