Information Technology Email Etiquette Guidelines
Members of the SUNY Optometry College community are expected to use our email system in a manner that respects the needs of others, minimizes unnecessary email messages, and acknowledges the limits of this shared resource. Email should not be used to promote personal business and political views. A. Efficient use of system resources: 1. News Office 365 Group
"News" is available to all Office 365 users Please do not cross-post news items (i.e. send to multiple Office 365 groups). 2. Reply function
The default reply function automatically sends replies to all recipients of a message Avoid replying to all members of an Office 365 group unless this is specifically intended 3. Other Office 365 Groups (e.g. Class of 2020; Curriculum Committee) Please don't use mail lists if there is an equivalent Office 365 group! 4. Use of chain mail, electronic cards, and other non-College related messages contributes to substantial system overload and is discouraged. B. Efficient Use of your personal Email account: Log in for brief periods several times a day. Check your mail promptly after logging in to Office 365. Delete messages after reading; save important messages to disk. Download and delete attachments promptly after receipt. Consider printing or saving longer messages to disk for reading offline. C. Safe E-mail practices
Save important messages to paper or disk. Save electronic address books to paper or disk.
Other Office 365 tips and resources are available at https://www.sunyopt.edu/office365
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