An e-mail account is a privilege, not a right, and the establishment of an account does not grant or guarantee unlimited or unrestricted opportunities to send and receive e-mail. E-Mail cannot be guaranteed at all times and in all circumstances. In particular, there is no guarantee of round-the-clock, seven day a week (24x7) access. Standard E-Mail Format All accounts are created according to the standard format jsmith@sunyopt.edu , where j is the first initial of the first name, and smith is the first seven letters of the last name, for a maximum number of eight letters in the user name. In the case of individuals with common names where this approach might duplicate an existing account name (e.g. jlee), the Postmaster will create unique user account names through the use of letter/number combinations (e.g. jlee2). This is the standard SUNY Optometry mail format and we regret that we cannot accommodate exceptions. (Selected individuals who requested non-standard accounts (e.g. js@sunyopt.edu; smith@sunyopt.edu) prior to the establishment of this policy also hold accounts in the standard format. The non-standard format is actually a mail nickname (or alias) of the standard User ID. These individuals are strongly advised to use the standard account format, inform their electronic mail contacts of that address, and phase out use of the mail nickname. Mail "aliases" or nicknames require special handling during software upgrades and are time-consuming to administer. Consequently, IT cannot guarantee the reliability of mail delivery to and from mail aliases indefinitely.) User E-Mail Responsibilities Our electronic mail system is a finite resource that is intended to facilitate and support our mission as an institution of higher education. Because there are so many individuals who rely on this shared resource, respect for the rights and needs of others is central to this policy. Responsible use: Users are asked to cultivate habits of responsible use: Deleting unneeded messages regularly Downloading attachments promptly and deleting accompanying messages. Disconnecting from the mail server when not actively reading or sending mail Making use of groups to send messages to large groups, rather than individual mailing lists
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