Advanced optometric Acquired Brain Injury

Same requirements for Advanced Evaluation and Management of Binocular and Accommodative Anomalies, and Eye Movement Anomalies AND Evidence that the applicant has evaluated and treated patients who have been diagnosed with acquired brain injury, OR Proof of advanced training in Vision Rehabilitation for Acquired Brain Injury patients. Diplomate of the American Academy of Optometry (AAO) in low vision, OR Completion of a Residency in low vision rehabilitation or equivalent training, OR Clinical experience in low vision in a setting acceptable to the clinical service chief for at least three years with no fewer than five low vision rehabilitation patient encounters per week or currently enrolled in a post graduate program in optometric rehabilitation, AND New York State low vision specialist certification or currently enrolled in a post graduate program in optometric rehabilitation. Diplomate of the American Academy of Optometry (AAO) in Cornea/Contact Lenses and Refractive Technology, OR Completion of a residency or fellowship in Cornea/Contact Lenses, or currently enrolled in a post graduate program in contact lenses, OR Instructor in a Contact Lens course at the SUNY College of Optometry.

Five (5) hours of continuing education in Vision Therapy and 5 hours in Acquired Brain Injury, AND A favorable review of two evaluations of a patient with acquired brain injury and 2 visual rehabilitation cases.

Vision Rehabilitation

Advanced evaluation and management of

Ten (10) hours of low vision rehabilitation - related continuing education credits, AND A favorable review of four low vision rehabilitation patients examined, treated or consulted upon by the applicant.

low vision including prescribing devices

Advanced Care

Specialty Contact Lenses

Ten (10) hours of contact lens specialty related continuing education credits, of which no more than half can be from correspondence courses, AND Satisfactory review by the Quality Assessment & Improvement Team of the medical records of not fewer than ten (10) contact lens specialty patient fits by the applicant.

Prosthetic Lenses

Completion of the AO Monoplex (or equivalent) course for the fitting of prosthetic lenses

Completion of not fewer than five (5) prosthetic fits, AND Satisfactory review by the Quality Assessment & Improvement Team of the medical records of not fewer than five (5) prosthetic lens patient fit by the applicant.


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