Effective Foundational Support

8. Attract the brightest and most motivated students with demonstrated leadership potential 8.1. Enroll a highly qualified, diverse, and engaged study body that will contribute to a vibrant community  Increase awareness of the optometry profession among health care advisors and prospective students through continued development of pipeline programs  Continue to improve the quality of all application/admissions stage experiences  Continue to make leadership potential, civic engagement, and reflective thinking explicit criteria for admission to the professional program 8.2. Insure the affordability of the Doctor of Optometry degree program by  Maintaining competitive tuition and fees while keeping graduate debt below the national average for schools and colleges of optometry  Identifying and increasing scholarship opportunities for incoming and enrolled students 8.3. Further develop recruitment strategies to better attract and enroll underrepresented minority (URM) and economically disadvantaged students to bring the College’s URM enrollment profile in line with that of medical schools nationally. 8.4. Develop effective communications strategies for attracting and engaging prospective students:  Capitalize on digital media to attract and enroll prospective students  Allocate resources toward high yield and strategically important markets and reach to secondary and tertiary markets through a mix of traditional, digital, and armchair recruitment initiatives  Highlight alumni success stories in recruitment programs  Recruit and train alumni to serve as admissions ambassadors to reach out to prospective students 8.5. Expand data driven decision making in the admission process through the ongoing evaluation of the pre- and post-admissions factors that predict academic and clinical success. 8.6. Further develop advanced standing OD programs for internationally trained scientists, physicians and optometrists


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