Ensure operational consistency with reporting and reimbursement models under healthcare reform Explore and expand as indicated the use of ancillary personnel to improve efficiency and patient satisfaction 5. Provide service to the greater community 5.1. Expand outreach programs for underserved populations 5.2. Expand relationships with key healthcare organizations and continue efforts to increase the College’s footprint in the New York Metropolitan area 5.3. Further develop our role within Medicaid Redesign (DSRIP) landscape 5.4. Support and facilitate student involvement in service learning projects locally, nationally and internationally 6. Cultivate an institutional culture that encourages a sense of community, inclusion, institutional pride, collective purpose, and shared responsibility 6.1. Develop mechanisms for enhanced internal and external communication that expand awareness of our mission, programs and achievements while informing the community through the dissemination of accurate and transparent information. 6.2. Integrate into the hiring and performance review processes an increased recognition of institutional commitment and demonstration of shared responsibility 6.3. Develop engaging clinical, research, and public service programs for faculty, staff and students that emphasize collective purpose and institutional mission 6.4. Build a diverse and inclusive community by implementing the recommendations of the 2017 Diversity and Inclusion Master Plan 6.5. Provide leadership opportunities and develop succession plans for major areas of the College 7. Promote the growth and development of all members of the College community 7.1. Increase professional development opportunities for faculty and staff 7.2. Continue to recruit and retain talented individuals that enhance the College’s ethnic, cultural, and experiential diversity Community and People
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