Diversity and Inclusion Master Plan

I know that administrators in this institution are here to support me I feel safe at school I can express my thoughts and feelings without the fear of retaliation

Scale: Very True (4), Not True at all (1)

**A “ Total School Satisfaction Score ” was created by averaging the means of all items under “ General Attitudes Towards Studies ” and “ Attitudes Towards School .”

Knowledge of and responsiveness to issues by Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, and Clinical Education: Staff members are accessible to students

Staff members are aware of student problems/issues Staff members are responsive to student problems/issues

Scale: Strongly Agree (4) Strong Disagree (1)

Work Satisfaction. Work Satisfaction was broken down by a) general attitudes towards work, b) relationship with supervisor, and c) Support from higher administration; work satisfaction was measured using the items 17 :


General Attitudes Towards Work:


Relationship with Supervisor:

I enjoy my work I believe in the work we do at the College I use my talents and abilities at work I can express my thoughts and feelings openly without fear of retaliation I can develop my career within this organization. I am kept up to date on what is happening within the College I would encourage someone else to work here at the College

I like and trust my supervisor I receive timely feedback about my performance I am respected by my supervisor for my work My immediate supervisor is supportive My supervisor is receptive to feedback My immediate supervisor is accessible SUNY Optometry higher administration is supportive

c) Support from Higher Administration: SUNY Optometry higher administration is supportive

Scale: Strongly Agree (4) Strong Disagree (1)

** A “ Total Work Satisfaction Score ” was created by averaging the means of all items under “General Attitudes

17 Work and school satisfaction was measured using questions adapted from Stecker 17 and a survey developed by the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPAHR) 17 . Stecker, T. (2004). Well-being in an academic environment. Medical Education, 38, 465-478. CUPAHR (2016). Climate Survey areas to survey. Retrieved from, https://www.cupahr.org/knowledgecenter/hehr_db/articles/hr_mgmt/Climate%20Survey%20Questions%20to%20Ask%20Employees.pdf

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