Diversity and Inclusion Master Plan

Perceived bias. Perceived bias was measured using the items:

I believe that the College is:

biased based on gender identity. biased based on age. biased based on race/ethnicity. biased based on sexual orientation.

biased against veterans. biased based on religion.

biased against those with physical disabilities. biased against those with learning disabilities. **An Overall Bias Score was created by averaging all bias scores.

Scale: Strongly Agree (1) Strong Disagree (5)

Concern for Welfare, Respect, fairness, and belonging.

Welfare, respect, and fairness towards employees and students were measured using the items:

Administrators/faculty at this College are genuinely concerned about my welfare. Administrators/faculty at this College respect what I think. Administrators/faculty at this College treat me fairly. Scale: Strongly Agree (4) Strong Disagree (1)

Welfare, respect, and fairness by peers were measured using the items:

My peers at this College are genuinely concerned about my welfare. My peers at this College respect what I think. My peers at this College treat me fairly. Scale: Strongly Agree (4) Strong Disagree (1)

Feelings of belonging were measured using the item:

I feel like I am a part of this College. Scale: Strongly Agree (4) Strong Disagree (1)

School Satisfaction. School Satisfaction was broken down by a) general attitudes towards studies, b) attitude towards school. School satisfaction was measured using the items:

General Attitudes Towards Studies: I enjoy my studies I believe in what optometry stands for I use my talents and abilities at school

Attitude Towards School:

I like and trust faculty members/administration My peers at SUNY take time to help me when I need it Faculty at SUNY take time to help me when I need it I feel accepted by those around me at school I know that faculty in this institution are here to support me

I receive timely feedback about my performance I am respected by faculty for my academic and/or clinical work

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