Diversity and Inclusion Master Plan

Towards Work” and “Support from Higher Administration;” A “ Total Supervisory Satisfaction ” overall score was created by averaging the means of all items under “Supervisory Satisfaction.”

Procedure. Questionnaires were distributed on-line using the on-line survey tool SurveyMonkey (www.surveymonkey.com). The link to the survey was sent using FirstClass to participants’ suny opt.edu email accounts provided to the CDO by the IT department. Participation was voluntary. To ensure confidentiality, participants did not identify themselves in the survey. Limitations. There are several limitations to the generalizability of the data. Despite the fact that the majority of the questions were borrowed from established instruments, the questionnaire has not been validated. The second limitation relates to respondents being self-selected, which may lead to a self-selection bias by which individuals with certain traits may be more inclined or not to participate. For instance, more positive individuals may choose to respond because that is part of who they are or, conversely, those who tend to complain may be more inclined to share negative thoughts, and the disillusioned may decline to participate because “What difference does it make?” The third limitation relates to the questionnaire being created in-house, which limits access to benchmarks to compare the results to. A total of 131 students participated in the Climate Survey (44.2% of total student population, excluding the Class of 2020) (Table 1). The Class of 2019 had the largest percentage of respondents (44.3% of the total, 58% of the Class), followed by the Class of 2018 (27.5% of the total, 38.2% of the Class), the Class of s of 2017 (27.5% of the total, 41% of the Class), and graduate students (0.8% of the total, 7% of total graduate students). Seventy four percent were females, 24.4% males, and .8% transgender female. In terms of age, 66.4% were between 22-25, 22.9% between 26-29, and 10.7% were above 30. In terms of race and ethnicity, 42% were White, 43% were Asian, 7% were URMs, and 8% were other or non-identified. In terms of religion, 33.6% were Christians, 29.8% reported having no religion, 13% were Jewish, 18.3% were Other religions (Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist) and 5.3% were Atheists. In terms of sexual orientation, 8.4% self-identified as LGBTQ+, 90.8% were not self-identified as LGBTQ+, and .8% did not respond. Two percent reported having a physical disability and 3% as having a learning disability. Results Student Climate Survey

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