
2. Dr. Steven Ritter: Introduction to Perceptual Evaluations and Therapy 3. Dr. Esther Han: Intro to Strabismus Evaluations and Therapy 4. Dr. Steve Larson: The Psycho-Educational Evaluation & Learning Disabilities

5. Dr. Sander Levine: Behavioral Prescribing 6. Dr. Jesse Willingham: Prisms and Lenses 7. Dr. Daniella Rutner: Biofeedback 8. Dr. Randy Schulman: Photo-light Therapy 9. Dr. Rochelle Mozlin: Communication and Reports

10. Dr. Rebecca Charlop: Primitive Reflexes 11. Dr. Alex Tilley: Visual-Vestibular Therapy ii. Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Therapy Lectures: Dr. Allen Cohen iii. Resident Strabismus/Amblyopia Lectures : Dr. Barry Tannen iv. Additional Topics Seminars or Individual Topic Review : 1. Dr. Marilyn Vricella: Current Pediatric Studies 2. Dr. Xiaoying Zhu: Myopia Control 3. Dr. Alex Tilley: Mandatory Assignments a. VT Skills Therapy Sequencing b. VT Perceptual Therapy Sequencing c. Amblyopia/Strabismus Therapy Sequencing


Minor Presentation (20 minutes) (October)


Major Presentation (one hour COPE approved lecture) (March)


Publishable Quality Paper (June)


Summer and Fall Quarters: Each resident is assigned to be a teaching assistant in the General Vision Therapy Lab course given to the third year students enrolled in the professional optometry program at SUNY. II. Winter and Spring Quarters: In addition, each resident is a clinical instructor/supervisor to third year clinical interns rotating through the Vision Therapy and Rehabilitation Service (vision therapy evaluations and training.)

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