Student Handbook
c) If, after inspecting and reviewing his/her records, the student has any questions about them, they may request an oral or written explanation and interpretation of them. d) The student may also secure a copy of every document in their folder open to them. These will be made by the College under the same terms, conditions and charges as for a copy of a transcript, i.e. $5 for each document. If an original or source document exists elsewhere (e.g. records of other schools), copies will not be sent to a third party. 2) Transcripts: a) Students can view their term reports at the end of each term and whenever a grade change is made via the student portal. b) Students with no outstanding financial obligation are entitled, upon request, to one free official transcript after graduation. c) Students must pay the current transcript fee for each transcript ordered. d) All requests for official transcripts must be made in writing on a Transcript Request Form, available in the Office of Student Affairs or the student portal. Transcripts will not be sent until the fee is paid. e) Official transcripts will be mailed from the registrar. Under special circumstances, an official transcript will be given to the student in a sealed envelope stamped by the Office of the Registrar. 3) Elements of a transcript: a) The registrar maintains records of overall class standing and grade point averages and all calculations related to the student’s academic standing. b) Cumulative and term GPA, quality points, occasions on probation and other information relative to the student’s academic standing are reported on the college transcript. c) Transcript Notation (when a student is found responsible) For crimes of violence, including but not limited to sexual violence, defined as crimes that meet the reporting requirements pursuant to the federal Clery Act established in 20 U.S.C. 1092(f)(1)(F)(i)(I)-(VIII), the Registrar (Office of Student Affairs) will make a notation on the transcript of a student found responsible after a conduct process, and based on the sanction imposed. The notations will be as follows: • “Suspend ed after a finding of responsibility for a code of conduct violation” • “Expelled after a finding of responsibility for a code of conduct violation” • “Withdrew with conduct charges pending” – for a student who withdraws from the college and declines to complete the disciplinary process Transcript notations may be removed after at least 1 year from the conclusion of the suspension, or if the finding of responsibility is vacated for any reason. However, notations for expulsion cannot be removed.
Availability of Academic Records
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