Student Handbook

preclude the posting of the grade distribution for a course by the instructor as long as grades are not identified by student b) All persons with access to grades must not divulge individual student grades to anyone either verbally or in written form. 3) Availability for use by faculty and Committees on Course & Standing. a) At the request of the vice president and dean for academic affairs or associate dean for graduate studies and research, transcripts, grade reports and written instructor comments may be made available at the end of the semester faculty meetings and at meetings of the Course & Standing Committee. b) Transcripts of grades at prior institutions attended, copies of standardized test scores and letters of recommendation may be requested by the Course & Standing Committee by majority vote of the committee members present. No other documents may be requested. c) The registrar shall be responsible for the distribution and collection of all documents, and copies thereof, which are utilized at faculty Course & Standing meetings. All such documents and copies must be returned to the registrar. d) The chairperson at each meeting where student records are discussed must inform all present about the maintenance of confidentiality of all student records and of the proceedings of that meeting. 4) Availability for faculty, professional staff and outside use. a) Student grades may only be made available to individuals and/or agencies conducting bona fide educational research. b) Proposals for educational research involving the use of student grades or test scores must include: i) a statement of the objective of the study, ii) the qualifications of the individual or group conducting the study, iii) a description of the methodology to be employed, iv) a signed statement assuring confidentiality of all data, v) assurance that data will only be reported as group data or if published as individual data, there will be no possible way of identifying the individual, vi) all student data supplied must be returned at the conclusion of the project. a) Any student may inspect and review his/her education records upon written request to the registrar. The registrar will comply as soon as possible; under the law this must be done within 45 days after the request. b) The student has the right to review and inspect all the documents in his/her folder except: i) confidential evaluations and letters of recommendation filed before January 1, 1975; ii) evaluations and recommendations after that date if the student has waived his/her right to see them; iii) financial records and statements of his/her parents; iv) those documents classified by the law as non-educational. Availability of Records to Students 1) Inspection and Review of Records


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