Student Handbook

Registration may be denied if the prior terms’ Bursar invoices have not been paid. Since the OD program is a full time, lock-step curriculum, all students are automatically registered for courses offered in their particular year of study. There is no opportunity to add/drop courses in the OD program. However, students can add/ drop courses when registering for electives. To maintain active status in the graduate program, full time students normally must be registered for at least 12 credits each term. OD/MS or OD/PhD program students normally must be registered for at least one graduate course (including research credit) each term. Students may register for graduate credit during the summer session, however this is not necessary to maintain active status. Failure to maintain active status, without a formal leave of absence, for more than one term consecutively shall result in dismissal from the graduate program. In addition to the Student Registration Form, a Graduate Student Course Registration Form must be approved, in writing, by the student’s advisor and filed with the associate dean for graduate studies and research, the registrar and the Business Office before the beginning of the summer term for the academic year. Graduate courses may be added during the first two weeks of the term; courses may be dropped during the first four weeks of the term. An add/drop form must be completed, signed by your advisor and filed with the associate dean for graduate studies and research, and the registrar. Course and Faculty Evaluation Students are given the opportunity and expected to provide formal and informal input about the curriculum, courses, clinic and faculty. Students are required by the College to complete formal course and instructor evaluations as an official requirement for course completion. Grades may be withheld by the administration if evaluations are not completed. Formal course and instructor evaluations are distributed electronically to students at the conclusion of each term. Results of these evaluations are analyzed through the Office of Academic Affairs and summaries are distributed anonymously to the instructional faculty and department chairs. In addition to formal course and instructor evaluations, students may be asked to participate in surveys on various topics in order to provide important feedback for analysis and planning. Participation on these surveys is optional. The vice president and dean for academic affairs meets informally with each class periodically, and the dean and department chairs also meet each term with the class officers to discuss academic issues and provide students with an informal forum to discuss issues and concerns.

Religious Observances Policy


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