Student Handbook

The SUNY College of Optometry respects the rights of individuals to observe their religious beliefs. Faculty, staff, or students will be excused from classes and UEC clinics for religious observances in accordance with New York State Education Law, Article 5 Section 224-a (see below). Excused absence from clinic for religious observances requires advance notice to the appropriate UEC Service Chief at the beginning of the term or four weeks prior to the holiday (whichever comes first) to facilitate coverage and rescheduling. For academic courses, faculty must notify their Department Chair and students must notify the Instructor of Record at the beginning of the term so that examinations and other assignments will not be scheduled on religious holidays if possible. Students are always responsible for any missed material, requirements, labs, or clinics and must ensure that any missed examinations or assignments are excused and made up. Faculty and Service Chiefs must make reasonable and equitable accommodations to students when assignments are made up. Faculty must take annual leave for missed days. Elective Courses Optometry students are usually required to complete a minimum of two elective courses. MS OD students are exempt from this requirement. Elective courses will be offered to students from a catalog of courses approved by the Curriculum Committee and maintained by the Office of Academic Affairs and the Registrar. Courses will be opened for registration prior to the term and filled on a first-come-first-serve basis until limits are reached. If a student withdraws from an elective course within one week of the first meeting, no notice shall appear on the transcript. If a student withdraws after this period, a "W" shall appear on the transcript indicating withdrawal. Guest Lectures IORs may retain the services of guest lecturers with specific expertise on a particular topic. Guest lecturers may not work for or represent industry in the delivery of specific material without permission of the Department Chairs and Dean for Academic Affairs. Funds for payment for guest lecturers come from departmental budgets and must be requested and approved by the Department Chair prior to the term the course is taught. Attendance in Courses and Clinic All lecture courses are delivered in-person except for select remote access or hybrid courses with permission from the Office of Academic Affairs. All lectures are recorded and available to registered students for asynchronous viewing through the college’s course management system. All laboratories and small group seminars are delivered in-person unless permission is granted from the Office of Academic Affairs. Elective courses will be graded on an "honors-pass-fail" basis. The instructor shall provide the student with a statement of the criteria for awarding grades in the course syllabus.


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