SUNY Procedure #7553 Purchasing and Contracting (Procurement)

to State University in Chapters 552-555 of the Laws of 1985. Revised to include payment procedures for the purchase of materials, equipment and supplies including computer equipment and motor vehicles . Amended – May 30, 1986 Reflects additional purchasing authority provided to the State University as a result of Chapter 552-555 of the Laws of 1985. Supersedes – October 12, 1979 Item 300 Purchasing and Contracting (Procurement) replaces and updates Procedure Items 320.1 Purchasing - Items Not on Contract and 321 - Purchasing Small Items. State University of New York Board of Trustees Resolution 01-116 adopted September 25, 2001 State University of New York Board of Trustees Resolution 99-121 adopted June 22, 1999. State University of New York Board of Trustees Resolution 93-204 adopted September 23, 1993. State University of New York Board of Trustees Resolution 93-135 adopted June 24, 1993. State University of New York Board of Trustees Resolution 92-17 adopted January 16, 1992. State University of New York Board of Trustees Resolution 89-128 adopted June 21, 1989. State University of New York Board of Trustees Resolution 86-51 adopted March 26, 1986. State University of New York Board of Trustees Resolution 85-151 adopted June 26, 1985. State University of New York Board of Trustees Resolution 83-17 adopted January 26, 1983. State University of New York Board of Trustees Resolution 80-275 adopted November 25, 1980. State University of New York Board of Trustees Resolution 78-331 adopted December 20, 1978. State University of New York Board of Trustees Resolution 50-106 adopted on September 11, 1950 Letter to presidents from the office of the vice chancellor and chief operating officer, dated November 5, 2002. Letter to the vice chancellor for finance and business from the assistant deputy comptroller, dated February 18, 1999. Delegation of Authority signed by the chancellor, dated November 20, 1997. Letter to University auditor from office of the University counsel, dated February 6, 1996. Letter to presidents from the office of the vice chancellor for capital facilities, dated December 28, 1992. Letter to presidents from the office of University counsel, dated July 3, 2003. Letter to presidents from the office of University counsel, dated May 13, 2003.

Appendices Appendix B - Standard Contract Clauses - Affirmative Action Clauses - Exhibit A-1 Standard Contract Clauses State University of New York - Exhibit A

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