Residency Manual
In the event that the telephone triage practitioner (resident and/or attending) is unable to be available for their assignment, it is the individual’s responsibility to find coverage during this period. The resident must find alternate coverage with another resident, and the telephone triage attending must arrange for alternative coverage with one of the other telephone triage attendings. Any changes to the schedule must be communicated to all parties involved (resident, attending). Telephone Triage Attendings Dr. Matthew Bovenzi, Chief of Advanced Care Services
Office: 212-938-5782 Mobile: 585-410-5352 Dr. Eva Duchnowski, Section Chief of Contact Lenses Office: 212-938-4026 Mobile 917-922-0074 Dr. Diane Calderon, Chief of Adult and Pediatric Primary Care Office: 212-938- 5890 Mobile: 917-553-2541 Dr. Amy Steinway, Assistant Chief of Adult Primary Care Office: 212-938-5775 Mobile: 602-614-8399 Dr. Shelby Leach, Section Chief of Pediatrics Office: 212-938-4191 Mobile: 480-371-4148 Dr. Daniella Rutner, Chief of Vision Rehabilitation Office: 212-938-5834 Mobile: 917-753-1595 Dr. Marianna Butera, Assistant Chief of Vision Rehabilitation Office: 212-938-5899 Mobile: 716-535-0997 UEC telephone triage phone number (Residents Phone) 347-452-7940
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