Residency Manual

Appendix O (Meditrek Information):


User Guide

Introduction HSoft Meditrek is a web-based medical education program management system. In most programs, you will be using it to complete evaluations on faculty and other trainees, review your evaluations by faculty, and record your patient logs. In some programs, you may also use it to sign curriculum documents. Before using Meditrek for the first time, please read the Terms of Use. The best way to gain familiarity with our system is by using it. This guide serves as a general reference for new users. Logging In To log in to Meditrek, you will need your Meditrek username and password. Go to the Meditrek home page: (you are encouraged to bookmark this site) Click the link on the top right labeled USER LOGIN. Enter your username and password in the window that comes up, then click OK (or press Enter). Note that your password is case-sensitive. Logging Out To log out of Meditrek, simply close all browser windows or use the logout button. Welcome Page When you log in to Meditrek, you will be greeted by your Welcome Page. It might look something like the picture at right. Internet Portal This link will take you to your institution's "bulletin board", which can contain documents such as calendars, schedules, announcements, internal policy documents, links to academic/professional websites, and other pertinent information as compiled by your school administration. Due Evaluations Table This table lists your pending evaluations. If your institution requires students to evaluate both the faculty and their peer group, then there will be two tables: the first for faculty evaluations, and the second for peer evaluations. If you have no evaluations pending, the tables will be empty. Links Which links you see here will depend on your institution's settings. The most common ones are: View Your Evaluation Schedule : A list of all of your scheduled evaluations, completed or not, for the current academic year. Review Your Evaluations by Facul ty: If enabled for your institution, this is where you can access the evaluations that faculty have completed on you. View Evaluations You Have Completed : This is where you can review the evaluations that you previously completed. Access Non-Scheduled Forms : This is where you go to access forms that are not scheduled, such as patient logs. Evaluations To open an evaluation, click the 'due' link on your Welcome page. Fill out the form, making sure to answer every question. Comments may be required or optional; read the text above the comment field(s) for guidance. If the


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