Residency Manual

All residents in an affiliated residency program are required to attend a minimum of thirty five (35) hours and all SUNY salaried are required to attend a minimum of forty five (45) hours of lectures and/or workshops in addition to the Core Curriculum (required programs). Twenty-five (25) credit hours must be in person, with the remaining hours obtained either via live, zoom or combination of program types. Residents involved in the Combined Residency/Graduate Program, Flaum Institute and Womack may receive approved credit from comparable programs offered either in the graduate program or local to Womack or the Flaum Institute. Residents must sign up in advance for the “elective” Friday Programs they will be attending. They are expected to attend those programs they signed up for. The pre-registration for a program allows for appropriate preparation and planning. A minimum of one week notice prior to the scheduled program is required to be given to the Residency Office if the resident is planning to not attend a program they pre-registered for. If the resident has to cancel within the week prior to the program due to circumstances such as illness, the residency supervisor, Residency Office, and the person giving the Friday Program need to be notified by the resident. Supporting documentation may be required for late cancellation or absence. If the above policy is not followed, unexcused absences will result in the total hours of the missed Friday Program being deducted from the resident’s total accumulated hours of attendance . On days when there are no Friday Programs, or when the resident does not attend an existing session, the resident must be available for duties that are assigned by the on-site supervisor (and/or Director of Residency Education). These can include, but are not limited to, direct patient care, teaching, administrative assignments, or scholarly activity. It is therefore expected that the resident will not schedule or have outside commitments. The Friday, the SUNY-salaried residents are not attending a formal program, allows for individual study, research, record completion, updating patient logs and other scholarly activities or administrative activities related to patient care or residency requirements. All residents have access to SUNY Optometry’s Harold Kohn Vision Science Library. An orientation of the library’s facilities is provided for the residents. Presentations: a) Residents will attend a Workshop on Public Speaking as part of the core curriculum which teaches the techniques of effective presentations. The resident will be responsible for delivering a brief talk, where they will be videotaped. b) The resident will present one 20-minute lecture (minor) at the College. The presentation will be followed by a 10-minute discussion facilitated by a moderator (the Director of Residency Education or a Program Supervisor). Residents must attend at least 9 minor presentations (which includes their own). The presentation will be videotaped for the resident to review. In addition, attending residents and the Director of Residency Education and/or a designee evaluate each minor presentation by means of a Resident Presentation Evaluation Form ( Appendix C ). These evaluations are shared with the resident. c) Each resident will be responsible for a Major Presentation or 50-minute lecture (the equivalent of one Continuing Education hour) at the College. All residents will present a title and outline of



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