
Operating Budget Manual – August 2010

• Troubleshooting in SABD I have finalized the upload but I can’t see my data in SABD – To be able to see the data in SABD, the System Budget Analyst must request the P254 batch run by campus AND the nightly batch run must complete successfully. • Check to be sure you have finalized the upload • Check to be sure your System Budget Analyst has completed their review of your upload. • Check to be sure your System Budget Analyst has submitted the P254 request. • Has it been overnight since the P254 request was submitted? • If you can answer yes to all these checks, contact your budget analyst and he/she will work with IT to see what the problem is.

If you have worked through the troubleshooting guide and are still having problems, contact your System Budget Office analyst and he/she will help you work it out When All Else Fails

C.14-1 – Instructions for Excel 2007 Users Many users have converted to Excel 2007 and this new version of Excel treat macros a little differently. Open the Form 1 Template and Activating the Macros First, these procedures assume that your macro security level is Disable all macros with notification This is the default setting. Under this option macros are disabled, but you get security alerts if there are macros present - you can choose when to enable those macros. To enable the macro, you would need to complete these steps every time you open the file. a) Open the Excel template file b) You will find a notification message just below the toolbar and above the worksheet : "Security Warning Some active content has been disabled." c) Click the "Options..." button d) Select the Radio Button of "Enable the content. Note: The macro is only needed to create the CSV file. If you are just working in the template but have no plans to create the CSV file, you do not need to enable the macro. If you are working in the file without the macros enable and you determine you need to create the CSV file, you need to close and save the template file, then open it again and follow the steps above.


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