Operating Budget Manual – August 2010
C.13 – Schedule 0 Purpose
Flexibility legislation in 1986 allowed the University management of its own faculty and staff positions. State Education Law (section 355(4) and section 355-a) continues the State University’s authority to establish its own maximum number of FTE positions. Justification for the level of positions budgeted by each campus is necessary to demonstrate campus accountability. The information input to Schedule 0 determines and documents how many funded filled annual FTE positions each campus can support within the funded appropriation available for personal services regular (PSR). A funded filled annual FTE position is defined as the equivalent of a full-time position filled for a full year. Budget Office analysts will also review campus allocation plans to assure that amounts are reasonable and in line with previous plans and expenditures. The Summary of the Proposed Financial Plan (Schedule 0) assists campuses in determining their funded FTE position level. Warnings appear if the data entered appears to be incorrect or unreasonable. If a warning appears, the campus should reevaluate the data entered or call the University Budget Office. Because it is used by the Division of the Budget for its payroll projections and budget planning and is the latest pay period capturing all faculty activity, System Administration uses pay period 3 for Schedule 0 and the Personal Service Condition Report. Instructions for Entering Schedule 0 into BDG1
1. Access the BDG1 system 2. Select Financial Plan “A” 3. “I”; at the main menu input
a. Fiscal Year (y1y2 – for example 0910) b. Schedule = 0 c. Category# leave blank d. “U” to update 4. Press (PF 6) to start the process on the 2 nd page.
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