Microsoft PowerPoint - Philpott Nov 2010 [Compatibility Mode

SUNY College of Optometry

Office of Student Affairs: Goals and Performance Indicators, 2010

Jeffrey Philpott, Ph.D. Vice President for Student Affairs

Today’s Discussion Topics

1. To provide an overview of Student Affairs’ overarching goals and strategies to meet the needs of SUNY Optometry students. 2. To discuss progress toward achieving departmental goals and Strategic Plan goals. 3. To present Student Affairs’ Key Performance Indicators.

Student Affairs’ Overarching Goals

1. To re ‐ establish Student Affairs as an equal educational partner to Academic Affairs and Clinical Affairs.

Progress : Determining which College functions belong in Student Affairs. Reviewing, revising, and modifying the organization of Student Affairs to meet the needs of our students and programs.

Student Affairs’ Overarching Goals

2. To further professionalize the Student Affairs staff. A. Carefully review and revise each staff members’ responsibilities; establish clear expectations for performance.

Progress : Expectations being defined; staff members involved in dialog.

Student Affairs’ Overarching Goals


Begin a process of evaluating the overall student experience at SUNY College of Optometry.

Progress : Getting to know student leaders; student focus groups underway; spring survey being planned.

Student Affairs’ Overarching Goals

4. To carefully define Student Affairs’ and Admissions data needs and reporting requirements. A. Develop a methodical system to collect data, establishing clear expectations for the individuals responsible to collect and disseminate specific data, graphics, and reports. B. Create an index of necessary reports that will be generated and shared throughout the year. C. The Admissions staff will continue to refine College admissions policies, processes, and practices as innovations in the academic curriculum and student programs are developed and implemented. Progress : Foundation laid; systems being developed; experiencing growing pains.

Student Affairs’ Departmental Goals

1. Registrar’s Office (Jacqueline Martinez) A. College will begin electronic grade submissions in the Fall 2011 semester. i. Progress: Faculty module purchased. Registrar and IT began training in Registration and Faculty modules; upgrading licenses & configuring modules (Oct 2010). Faculty pilot: Spring 2011; Faculty training: Summer 2011; implementation scheduled for Fall 2011. B. College Registrar will work to integrate the Sunyopt web portal (Jenzabar) and Moodle (Course Management System). i. Progress: Currently working with IT to integrate Jenzabar and Moodle. (Moodle will be able to retrieve course information from Jenzabar w/o manual input). Implementation of integration is scheduled for Summer 2011.

Student Affairs’ Departmental Goals


Financial Aid Office (Vito Cavallaro) A. To implement and manage a system for awarding, processing, and disbursing financial aid that best serves the needs of the students. i. Progress: Director attends ongoing federal compliance training; participates in annual cash management audit; pilot study to be conducted in Spring 2011 to measure student satisfaction. To develop new goals and procedures for reviewing scholarship criteria and publicizing scholarship opportunities so that a greater number of students are nominated and awarded scholarships. i. Progress: FA Director and Scholarship committee now meet regularly; new procedure created for publicizing available awards; specific scholarship criteria are being developed for respective awards (Fall 2010). B.

Student Affairs’ Departmental Goals


Financial Aid Office (Vito Cavallaro) C. To develop and also administer a survey instrument of SUNY Optometry students to evaluate student satisfaction with the financial aid processes and practices. i. Progress: FA Director, VPSA, and Director for IR met to discuss pilot FA study (Oct 2010); instrument will be developed as part of (new) annual College ‐ wide survey (to be administered in Spring 2011).

Progress Toward Strategic Plan Goals

Goal 1.0: Provide attractive educational programs (and outstanding co ‐ curricular opportunities) that meet the evolving needs of our students and the public. 1. Review the current structure, funding methods, faculty support, and effectiveness of the College Student Council and the respective student organizations of the College. One focus: organized optometry. Work with first ‐ year students to assess current needs and to bring one new organization to the College that fulfills a defined need of the community. • Progress : Survey of student organizations; conversations with SC leadership; hiring of student leader; one focus group session conducted; NYSOA retreat in plans for Feb. 2011. 2.

Progress Toward Strategic Plan Goals

Goal 1.5: To provide students, residents, and alumni with the services to succeed in their careers. 1. 2008 ‐ 2009 and 2009 ‐ 2010 Publicized Goals A. Business Plan will be developed by December 2009. B. Practice development program will be presented each year beginning in 2009 ‐ 2010. C. Career guidance counseling will be available by 2010 ‐ 2011 D. Self ‐ sustaining Center for Career Development established by 2010 ‐ 2011.

Progress : Little or no forward movement was made due to competing priorities and the retirement of VPSA. President and VPSA to create new action plan in late November 2010.

Progress Toward Strategic Plan Goals

Goal 1.5: To provide students, residents, and alumni with the services to succeed in their careers. 2. The VPSA will convene a workgroup to analyze career development services for SUNY Optometry students, addressing the questions: “What additional programs or services must be provided by the College to increase OD graduates’ access to their preferred career paths?” “What does a Career Development Center look like?” The workgroup will plan research and write a conceptual implementation plan (with a timeline) for a new Career Development Center at SUNY College of Optometry. Progress : VPSA will visit Bennett Center at Salus University (PCO) on November 10 th . Books being reviewed: Business Aspects of Optometry and Eye Care Business Marketing and Strategy . Workgroup to be established before the end of Fall 2010. 3.

Progress Toward Strategic Plan Goals

Goal 1.8: To attract and enroll highly qualified students for the professional program. 1. 2009 ‐ 2010 Publicized Goals A. High OAT Scores B. Leadership Potential C. Low Attrition Rates D. Increase Scholarships and Grants Progress : All remain high priorities of Admissions Committee. Leadership criterion has created confusion, yet productive discussion, among committee members.

Progress Toward Strategic Plan Goals

Goal 1.8: To attract and enroll highly qualified students for the professional program. 2. Student Indicators in Admissions A. The current student yield in the professional OD program (accepted to matriculated) will increase from 55% to 60% in the Fall 2012 admission year.


The current satisfaction rate with the recruitment process (responding to the question on the 2010 Professional Survey about how accurate of a picture of the school and programs was given in the recruitment process) will increase from 63% to 75% by the onset of the Fall 2011 academic year.

Progress : Ongoing dialog with Admissions committee; New campus visit etiquette being implemented; New Open House: January 2011.

Progress Toward Strategic Plan Goals

Goal 1.8: To attract and enroll highly qualified students for the professional program. 3. Director of Admission and Marketing A. Hire a new Director of Admission and Marketing who will be primarily responsible for the overarching recruitment plan to bring to SUNY College of Optometry a highly qualified and diverse student body, including students with high leadership potential, students from diverse backgrounds, and international students. Using historical data and measuring current trends, the VPSA and the Director of Admission and Marketing will create specific metrics that will be used to measure the College’s admissions process at various points in the enrollment funnel. The Director will also create an integrated and comprehensive marketing and communication strategy, and synthesize marketing intelligence into actionable objectives. The VPSA and/or the Director of Admission and Marketing will take an active role in the National Association of Medical Minority Educators (NAMME) in order to attract and retain a greater number of ethnically diverse students at the College in Fall 2011. Progress : Mr. Gui Albieri hired and will begin work on November 15 th . B. C. D.

Progress Toward Strategic Plan Goals

Goal 1.10: To increase cultural sensitivity in all College operations. 1. CSTEP Grant: During the Fall 2010, the VPSA and the current CSTEP Coordinator will rewrite the CSTEP grant with the objective of attracting and retaining a higher number of qualified NYS underrepresented minority students at SUNY College of Optometry. • The Admission’s goal for Fall 2011 is to achieve a first ‐ year class profile that more closely reflects the ethnic diversity of the State of New York. • Progress: Diversity Workgroup created; ASCO Cultural Competencies to be reviewed; data collection system developed (Fall 2010). Specific recruitment plans must be created. Progress : Awaiting CSTEP RFP; Collecting letters of support; exploring summer program. 2.

Progress Toward Strategic Plan Goals

Goal 2.4: To enhance the Ph.D. program in Vision Science. 1. By the beginning of the 2011 ‐ 12 academic year, all admissions processes and data tracking (and appropriate staffing) for graduate student admissions at SUNY Optometry will be transferred from the Office of the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies to the VPSA’s Office.

Progress : To be addressed by Director of Admission and Marketing in Spring 2011. Graduate KPI data has been collected (Oct 2010).

Student Affairs: Key Performance Indicators

O.D. Entering Class Facts & Figures

Class Entering: 2010

Class Entering: 2009

Class Entering: 2008

Class Entering: 2007

Class Entering: 2006

Total Students


Total Students


Total Students


Total Students


Total Students


Average GPA

3.48 3.35

Average GPA

3.50 3.42

Average GPA

3.50 3.38

Average GPA

3.41 3.35

Average GPA

3.47 3.44

Pre ‐ req Sci GPA

Pre ‐ req Sci GPA

Pre ‐ req Sci GPA

Pre ‐ req Sci GPA

Pre ‐ req Sci GPA

Total Science OAT


Total Science OAT


Total Science OAT


Total Science OAT


Total Science OAT













54 22

71.05% Female

62 15

80.52% Female

54 18

75.00% Female

52 17

75.36% Female

53 18

74.65% 25.35%


28.95% Male

19.48% Male

25.00% Male

24.64% Male


37 30

48.68% Caucasian

41 29

53.25% Caucasian

41 22

56.94% Caucasian

30 29

43.48% Caucasian

32 33

45.07% 46.48% 2.82% 0.00% 5.63% 0.00% 0.00% 5.63% 39.44% 54.93%


39.47% Asian

37.66% Asian

30.56% Asian

42.03% Asian


2 2 5 0

2.63% Hispanic

0 1 6 0

0.00% Hispanic

2 0 7 0

2.78% Hispanic

1 2 7 0

1.45% Hispanic

2 0 4 0


2.63% Black

1.30% Black

0.00% Black

2.90% Black

Nonresident Alien

6.58% Nonresident Alien

7.79% Nonresident Alien

9.72% Nonresident Alien

10.14% Nonresident Alien


0.00% Other

0.00% Other

0.00% Other

0.00% Other


1 5

1.32% International

3 4

3.90% International

0 7

0.00% International

0 7

0.00% International

0 4


6.58% Canada

5.19% Canada

9.72% Canada

10.14% Canada

Out ‐ of ‐ State

38 32

50.00% Out ‐ of ‐ State

34 36

44.16% Out ‐ of ‐ State

24 41

33.33% Out ‐ of ‐ State

25 37

36.23% Out ‐ of ‐ State

28 39

In ‐ State

42.11% In ‐ State

46.75% In ‐ State

56.94% In ‐ State

53.62% In ‐ State

Financial Aid

SUNY OD Students Receiving Financial Aid

50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100%

% of Students Receiving Aid







Year of Graduation

Default Rate = Zero

Financial Aid

SUNY OD Student Debt




Ave Debt of All Students


Ave Debt of Students who Borrowed










Year of Graduation

Financial Aid

Student Aid By Source

$0 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000 $9,000,000



College Work Study

Total Aid






Financial Aid

Colleges of Optometry Tuition and Fees


$0 $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000 $30,000 $35,000 $40,000




SUNY  ‐  In State Public  ‐  In State Private  ‐  In State

SUNY  ‐ Out of State Public  ‐ Out of State Private  ‐ Out of State





2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Expenses include: Tuition, Fees, Books, and Instruments

Admission: Professional OD Program

SUNY ‐ O Admissions TS OAT

SUNY ‐ O Admissions GPA

300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400

3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4

GPA Science GPA


2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Year of Admission

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Year of Admission

Admission: Professional OD Program

SUNY ‐ O Admissions

SUNY ‐ O Yield (Enrolled/Accepted)

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Number of Students

40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75%


Applicants Accepted Enrolled


2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Year of Admission

Year of Admission

Admission: Professional OD Program

SUNY ‐ O NYS Admissions

100 120 140 160 180

NYS Applicants Accepted Enrolled

0 20 40 60 80

Number of Students

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Year of Admission

Admission: Professional OD Program

SUNY ‐ O Minority Students









Students Applied Students Accepted Students Matriculated





















Admission Year

Admission: Graduate Program

SUNY Full ‐ time Ph.D. Admissions

SUNY Entering Ph.D. GRE Scores

10 12 14 16

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 GRE Score

0 2 4 6 8

Applicants Accepted Enrolled

GRE Quantitative GRE Verbal

Number of Students

Year of Admission

Year of Admission

Admission: Graduate Program

SUNY OD/MS Admissions





Applicants Accepted Enrolled



Number of Students



2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Year of Admission

Enrollment: Graduate Program

SUNY ‐ O OD/MS Total Enrollment

10 15 20 25 30 35 40

OD/MS Total Enrollment

Number of Students

OD/MS First ‐ year Students

0 5

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Year of Admission

Slide Number 46


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