MSCHE Self Study April 2021

Open and candid communication between administration and the faculty, staff and students is a high priority. An important vehicle for communication is the bi ‐ monthly College electronic newsletter FY EYE . This newsletter reinforces the College’s strategic priorities and progress with respect to these priorities while also informing the community of institutional and faculty/staff/student accomplishments and building a sense of community. Copies of FY EYE are archived on the College’s web site ( FY EYE – Example) . Additionally, the College’s email system allows for a broadcast email (News) which goes to every member of the campus community and is used to share timely, informative pieces with resources and updates. College administrators regularly and frequently meet with students and student officers. To keep the College community abreast of University and College developments, the president holds College meetings open to all faculty and staff three or four times per year. At these meetings, vice presidents and other administrators may report on their areas. The winter meeting is reserved for the president to make his State of the College Address to the community . These reports and the video of the most recent address are posted on the College’s website. Building alumni engagement with the College is a priority in order to advance our student and alumni success goals. SUNY Eye Network, our virtual “alumni house” connecting alumni, students, and residents with information and each other, is a valuable tool to ensure alumni are aware of achievements, invited to events and connected to opportunities. The SUNY Eye Network Newsletter goes to the network at least twice per month. Alumni are regularly invited to campus as speakers, interacting with our students and administrators. At alumni receptions, information such as our annual report and other publications are available, and a member of the leadership team provides updates on the College’s activities. Faculty Governance The roles and responsibilities of the Faculty in College governance are given in the Faculty By ‐ laws published on page 11 of the Faculty Handbook , which is available on the College web site. These bylaws are reviewed regularly and updated as needed. The College’s committee structure, as described in the Handbook, facilitates communication amongst administration, faculty, staff and students ( Committees – Appointed and Elected ). Appointed committees include faculty and staff, and several include students. Certain of the elected faculty committees (e.g., Curriculum Committee and Committee on Educational Policy) also have student members. Elections for faculty committees are generally competitive, which is suggestive of the value faculty members place in the usefulness of these committees. The elected Faculty Executive Committee (FEC), which consists of the presiding officer, presiding officer elect, secretary, faculty senator, faculty senator alternative, professional program representative and graduate program representative, is responsible for representing the faculty and facilitating communication between the faculty and the College administration (president, dean, and vice presidents). The FEC reports to and consults with the dean and vice president for academic affairs, but may also seek consultation with the president at any time. The specific responsibilities of the FEC, as published in the bylaws, are to:


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