MSCHE Self Study April 2021

Various assessment strategies track implementation of the College’s strategic plan. The primary motivation is to identify, obtain, analyze and utilize outcomes data for meaningful programmatic improvement. When available and appropriate, national data serve as benchmarks for assessing performance. Analysis of data may lead to corrective actions when they are not consistent with expected outcomes. The College’s various administrative councils and area heads implement the strategic plan. Reporting relationships are delineated in the College’s Senior Management Organizational Chart and various Area Organizational Charts . Senior Administrator Responsibilities are provided. Prior to appointment, credentials are reviewed to ensure they meet the standards established in the University’s classification description for the administrative position. College vice presidents utilize key performance indicators and other data delineated in the Assessment Plan to analyze progress in their respective areas. They present these analyses, which are published on the Institutional Research webpage, annually to the Institutional Research and Planning Committee (IRPC) and senior management team at Annual Implementation Meetings (AIM) ( AIM Presentations ‐ Examples ). Members of IRPC and the senior management team are encouraged to provide constructive feedback to the presenting vice president. When analyses reveal shortcomings in attaining institutional goals, the appropriate administrative unit initiates corrective actions. 14 In addition to annual AIMs where the vice presidents present an analysis of progress relative to the strategic plan, the vice presidents also meet annually with the president to assess progress on the plan. These meetings result in the development of Annual Institutional Goals that are derivative of the strategic plan, widely disseminated to the College community and posted on the Institutional Research webpage. Starting in 2018 ‐ 19, annual goals were formally matched to the goals/objectives of the strategic plan. Members of senior management are classified by the University as management/confidential. Appointees to these positions serve at the pleasure of the president. At the beginning of the academic year, performance expectations are negotiated between the administrator and his/her supervisor and formalized using the Performance Program Form . As indicated in the form, expectations are linked to goals in the College’s Strategic Plan. Based on the performance expectations described above, annual management goals, which are linked to the College’s strategic plan, are summarized by the president in the form of Annual Institutional Goals . At the beginning of the subsequent academic year, the employee prepares a new Performance Program Form detailing his/her activities and progress on the previously established expectations and meets with the president to review the progress made. The

14 In lieu of the 2017 ‐ 18 AIM, a review of progress of implementation of the 2013 ‐ 18 plan was undertaken at the March 2018 faculty retreat as part of the planning process for the 2018 ‐ 23 Strategic Plan.


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