Patron Survey The Library developed a patron satisfaction survey in the fall of 2009, distributing it via email to the College community. The goal of the questionnaire was to solicit opinions on general and specific aspects of Library service. The results of the survey, with description, analysis of findings, recommendations for action and recent library improvements are in Appendices F-17a, F-17b, F-17c, F-17d and F-17e. SUNY College of Optometry is active and effective in the area of institutional fundraising. Optometric Center of New York (OCNY) The Optometric Center of New York (OCNY), a 501(c)(3) organization, was founded in 1956 by a small group of dedicated optometrists and benefactors as a non-profit health and professional education resource for the community. This pioneering effort supported and directed the establishment of a vision care clinic, which in 1971, became the patient care centerpiece for the State University of New York College of Optometry. Today, the OCNY is the allied and endowing foundation of SUNY Optometry, and is the primary source of private support for its patient care facility, the University Eye Center (UEC), providing grants for projects such as a homebound project, indigent care initiative, scholarship fund and vision research among others. The OCNY is comprised of 19 Trustees, representing the business, finance and law professions among others. The foundation’s bylaws, which can be found in Appendix F-18a, state that the board shall consist of not fewer than five and not more than 25 trustees. Appendix F-18b contains the foundation’s MOU with the College. The Trustees meet on a quarterly basis. Copies of the OCNY agendas and minutes will be available per request. On the fiscal side, the OCNY is supported administratively by employees of the SUNY College of Optometry. The OCNY financial records and grants administration books are operated on a fund accounting system, including unrestricted, temporarily restricted, permanently restricted and OCNY Board designated, in accordance with donor wishes. The OCNY Finance and Investment Committees conduct an ongoing review of plans and policies for endowment management to ensure consistency with the institution’s financial resources, goals and objectives (as stated in the strategic plan) and summaries of endowment performance. Appendix F-19 gives the OCNY investment policy statement and current funds status (January 1, 2010). The market value as of

December 31, 2010 was $9.067M. Office of Institutional Advancement

The vice president for institutional advancement (VPIA) reports directly to the president and oversees development, the alumni association, public relations,


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