Institutional Federal Compliance Report 2021
vi) SUNYAdministrationinAlbanyforTheSUNYInstitutionalResearchInformationSystem (SIRIS). vii) Someone froman outside partywitha legitimate right to knowas defined by the FERPA. e) Therecords of a student will bedisclosedwithout his/her written consent to those federal and state government agencies andofficials onlyasprovidedbylaw. f) Therecords of a student will be disclosedwithout his/her written consent to an agency towhich the student has applied or fromwhich he/she has received financial aid or which hasmade decisions concerningeligibility,amount,conditionsorenforcementoftermsofsuchaid. g) Therecords of a studentwill bedisclosedwithout his/her writtenconsent to certain educational agenciesand institutionsonlyaspermittedbylaw. h) TheCollegereserves the right to furnish toparents or guardians of financiallydependent students any informationrelatingtosuch students’ academicstatus. i) Therecords of a student will be disclosedwithout his/her writtenconsent tocomplywitha judicial orderor subpoena. j) Therecords of a student will bedisclosedwithout his/her written consent ina health or safety emergency. a) Instructors submitgradestotheRegistrarelectronicallyviathemysunyopt.eduportal. b) Supplemental grades suchas completions for “I” grades or repeat courses for “F” grades must be submitted on an official GradeChange Form. Grade changesmust be signed by the instructor, department chair andthe vicepresident anddeanfor academicaffairs before submissiontothe OfficeoftheRegistrar. 2) ConfidentialityofGrades a) Gradesofindividual students, inanyidentifiable format,maynotbepublishedor posted. This prohibition includes the listing of grades by social securitynumber. This does not precludethe posting of thegradedistribution for a courseby the instructor as long as grades arenot identified bystudent b) All persons with access to grades must not divulge individual student grades to anyone either verbally orinwrittenform. 3) Availability for use by faculty and Committees on Course & Standing. a) At the request of the vicepresident and dean for academicaffairsor associatedean for graduate studies and research, transcripts, gradereports andwritten instructor comments maybemade available at theendof the semester facultymeetings and at meetings of the Course&Standing Committee. b) Transcripts ofgradesat prior institutionsattended, copies of standardizedtest scoresand lettersof recommendationmay be requested by the Course&Standing Committeeby majority voteof the committeememberspresent.Noother documentsmayberequested. c) Theregistrar shall beresponsible for thedistributionandcollectionofall documents, and copies thereof,which areutilizedat facultyCourse&Standingmeetings. All such documents and copies mustbereturnedtotheregistrar. Confidential Records 1) Submission of Grades:
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