Institutional Federal Compliance Report 2021

Electronic Databases: The library offers a wide variety of health, medical, education, business, and social science databases on its website. Librarians have access to a variety of other electronic databases that can be searched upon request.

Records Policy

Educational Rights & Privacy Act All policies with regard tostudent records shall conformwith the FamilyEducational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 1974. Specific policies described beloware intended to supplement the rights andassure the safeguards providedby FERPA and to clarify student records policy at the SUNY College of Optometry. Public Records 1) Thefollowinginformationrelatedtoastudent isconsidered “direct ory information” andtheCollege reserves theright todisclose it toanyone inquiring without the student’ s consentunless the student, within 10days of the beginning of eachacademic year, informs theOffice of Student Affairs , in writing, thatthis informationisnottobemadepublic.Directoryinformationis name,permanent addressandtelephone, localaddressandtelephone. 2) Disclosure of Information a) The student directory information is made available to students, faculty and administrative staff oftheCollegefortheirownuseonly.Itmaynotbeduplicatedordisseminatedinany waybythe recipient. b) The Student Directory, in full or in part, is not disseminated to outside agencies, business concerns, orprivate individualswithout the consent of thevicepresident for studentaffairs . c) Noofficemaintaininganeducational recordofastudentwilldiscloseanypersonally identifiable informationfromthatrecordtoanyoneother thanthestudenthim/herself without thewritten consent ofthestudent, exceptasprovidedbelow. d) Therecords of the student will be disclosedwithout his/herwritten consent toacademic and administrativeofficerswithintheCollegewhohavealegitimateeducational interest inthe information. “Legitimate educational interest” meansthedemonstratedneedtoknowby those personswhoact inthe student’ s educational interest. This includes thefollowing personsandtheir professionalandclericalstaffactingundertheirinstructions: i) Vicepresident anddean for academicaffairsor associatedean for graduate studies and research fortheprograminvolved, ii) Staff of theOfficeofStudentAffairs, iii) President, iv) Committees on Course & Standing, v) Facultyofeachclassonlyforstudentsunderacademicdifficulties,


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