Institution: SUNY College of Optometry (196228)
User ID: P1962281
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Human Resources
SUNY College of Optometry (196228) Source
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Annual Average Salaries (equated 9 months) for any gender and academic rank should be between $9,000 and $144,000. The calculated average for the academic rank Instructors, men is $8,898. Please correct your data or explain. (Error #1761)
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Reason: Two individuals have limited teaching assignments. Related Screens:
G3 - Average Salaries for Instructional Staff by Academic Rank
Screen: B1 - FT Non-instructional, Occupation - 1
This number is outside the expected range of between 1 and 30 based on the prior year value. Please correct your data or explain. (Error #1387)
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Reason: Research person was moved to instructional Staff. Screen: G4 - Salary Outlays, Non-instructional Staff
The amount entered in Part G for Total annual salary outlays for Computer, Engineering, and Science Occupations ($102,238) is outside the expected range of between $29,000 and $101,000 based on an estimated average salary of between $29,000 and $101,000 per individual for this category. Please correct your data or explain. (Error #1373)
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Reason: EE is paid $102,238 based on experience. Related Screens:
G - Salary Outlays, Non-instructional Staff
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