IPEDS_Human_Resources_Data 2012

Institution: SUNY College of Optometry (196228)

User ID: P1962281

Edit Report

Human Resources SUNY College of Optometry (196228) Source Screen: Salaries for non-instructional staff Screen Entry


Severity Resolved Options

The amount entered in Part G for Total salary outlays for Management Occupations ($3,360,316) is outside the expected range of between $896,000 and $3,080,000 based on an estimated average salary of between $32,000 and $110,000 per individual for this category. Please fix your data or enter an explanation for this difference. (Error #1371)



Reason: Individuals in this category make more than the estimated average salary of $32,000 to $110,000. Total salary for all 28 people is $3,360,316 Related Screens: Salaries for non-instructional staff

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