Institution: SUNY College of Optometry (196228)
User ID: P1962281
Explanation Report
Number Source Location
Severity Accepted
Screen: Part A - Statement of Net Assets 1 Row: 32 Col: 4 Upload File
This number should be greater than zero. Please explain.
Explanation Yes
Reason: Due to a $13 million liability for postemployment benefits. Screen: Part B - Revenues and Other Additions 2 Row: 35 Col: 3 Perform Edits The revenue amount per student FTE in line 29 is larger than expected for your type of institution. Please explain this result.
Explanation Yes
Reason: The graduate student FTE that was calculated on the 12-Month Enrollment 2010- 2011 is incorrectly low (255) because we are transitioning from a quarter to a semester system. Screen: Part E - Scholarships and Fellowships 3 Row: 7 Col: 3 Upload File This number should be greater than zero. Please explain. Explanation Yes Reason: Amount is zero.
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