Faculty Handbook

SUNY College of Optometry

Faculty Handbook 2022-23



Funds are available for approved faculty development and special projects. Faculty development funds and awards are provided from a variety of sources and are subject to change because of availability and budget conditions at that time. Annual Faculty Development Funds Funds for college faculty development are available annually for administratively approved activities such as attending conferences (e.g. Academy, AOA, ARVO, COVD, SECO, Society for Neuroscience, VSS), participation in meetings, courses and workshops for faculty development, and the purchase of such things as books or software that have clear value for the faculty’s development. Faculty must request funds using the Faculty Development Fund Application (see below) submitted to their primary supervisor. The form is available through the primary supervisor and on the Academic Affairs Share-Point site. The primary supervisor will use the form to recommend awards to the Vice President and Dean for Academic Affairs. All applications must include supporting information and justifications as appropriate for the request. Applications for travel must be submitted at least 30 days prior to travel. Travel expenses, which may include registration fees, lodging, per diem and transportation costs, will be paid by reimbursement using the state Travel Voucher Form after the travel is complete. Requests for travel reimbursement must provide all receipts, and a copy of the approved Faculty Development Fund Application to the Office of Academic Affairs within 60 days of the travel. Any available discretionary funds (such as faculty start-up funds, discretionary funds, balance awards) and alternative funding sources (such as grants and awards including the UUP Individual Development Award) should be used first if available, and the Faculty Development Award may be used to supplement. Annual Faculty Development Awards will be available for internal college faculty. The amount will be reviewed annually. Pro-rated funds for part-time faculty will be considered if funds are available. Mid-Career Clinical Faculty Development Awards Mid-career development awards for clinical faculty are meant to assist faculty in their professional development by funding special projects that help them achieve professional goals aligned with departmental and institutional priorities. • Up to 0.2 additional faculty development FTE per year for approved applications • Full or part year (may be up to two years at 0.1 FTE per year) • December 31 st application deadline for following academic year • Written application must include description of objectives, detailed plans, budget if applicable, and measurable outcomes expected

• Release time will come from appropriate division (UEC/Academic Affairs) • Must be submitted to Academic Affairs with approval of Primary Supervisor • Applications reviewed by Dean’s Council • Eligibility: FT Clinical faculty; 7-year intervals (apply in 6 th year of eligibility) • Possible uses include, but are not limited to, …


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