Crime Reports/ log Federal and State legislation requires the College to prepare an Annual Campus Crime Awareness and Security Report (aka Annual Security Report) and make this report publicly available to members of the College Community. The College’s Annual Security Report is available on the College website at http://www.sunyopt.edu/offices/university_police/crime_report Printed copies may be requested from the Office of the Assistant Chief of Police, room 3M12 or extension 5578. University Police also maintains a log of all crimes that occur on college premises at the 42 nd street desk. This crime log is a public document available for viewing at the University Police Desk Officer in the 42 nd street entrance lobby or online at the UPD website: http://www.sunyopt.edu/offices/university_police/crime_log Timely Warning Notice/Alert In the event of a major emergency on or off campus, or if there is an event or incident that poses an ongoing or continuing threat to the safety of members of the College Community, University Police will prepare a “College Alert Bulletin” and distribute as follows: A Safety Alert will also be issued when a crime (listed in the Annual Security Report list of reportable crime categories) occur on campus that UPD determines to be significant. For life safety emergency incidents or for severe weather related situations, an emergency notification will be sent to the College Community using the SUNY Optometry Emergency Mass Notification System (Rave Alert). New Employees will be automatically enrolled in the Rave Alert System with their college email address. Employees will be required to log into Rave portal to update their contact information to be able to receive emergency related text messages. To update contact information in Rave, employees should follow the steps below: -College website: UPD Safety Alert page -College Electronic Mail distribution service -Posting of flyers on College events/ activities board

- Log into Rave portal at http://www.getrave.com/login/sunyopt - Log in using your O365 user credentials (userxxxx@sunyopt.edu) - Select the Edit button under the Action tab - Add contact information as necessary - Select Save button - Select test button to receive a test email and text messages


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